stop cold


stop cold 的定义

  1. Also, stop dead or in one's tracks or on a dime. Halt suddenly, come to a standstill, as in When a thread breaks, the machine just stops cold, or He was so surprised to see them in the audience that he stopped dead in the middle of his speech, or The deer saw the hunter and stopped in its tracks, or An excellent skateboarder, she could stop on a dime. The first term uses cold in the sense “suddenly and completely,” a usage dating from the late 1800s. The first variant was first recorded in 1789 and probably was derived from the slightly older, and still current, come to a dead stop, with the same meaning. The second variant uses in one's tracks in the sense of “on the spot” or “where one is at the moment”; it was first recorded in 1824. The third variant alludes to the dime or ten-cent piece, the smallest-size coin.

stop cold 近义词

stop cold

等同于 cut short

更多stop cold例句

  1. This is comedy based on a cold humor, detached, euphemistic, devoid of any generosity.
  2. We indulge in expensive cold-pressed juices and SoulCycle classes, justifying these purchases as investments in our health.
  3. But I think Steve Austin has to team up with a Japanese holdout to stop a nuclear bomb from going off or something.
  4. Cold War fears could be manipulated through misleading art to attract readers to daunting material.
  5. The vaccine is delivered through a “carrier virus” that causes a common cold in chimpanzees but does not affect humans.
  6. Madame de Condillac stood watching him, her face composed, her glance cold.
  7. Being quieted by the Captain with a draught of cold tea, and made to sit down, the examination of the book proceeded.
  8. "But I can't stop to argue about it now;" and, saying this, he turned into a side path, and disappeared in the wood.
  9. At twelve, or fifteen, or sixteen, or twenty it was decided that they should stop learning.
  10. When alone she sometimes picked it up and kissed the cold glass passionately.